Welcome to the largest portal dedicated to working and living on board cruise ships and yachts worldwide. On this website, you’ll discover everything about #SHIPLIFE, from the very basic questions and requirements to the whole application process. You can also learn how to make an effective resume, check different available jobs, compare salaries between companies and much more. Prepare yourself to ace that upcoming interview and secure your dream job!
Here, you can quickly kickstart your learning process and explore our most accessed topics. The most crucial step is to carefully read and follow the content on how the selection process works. The rest is largely up to you, so be sure to explore all our pages. We’ve created our content to make your life easier, providing guides for everything from “How to Pack” to “How to Send Money Home”!
By default we display our website in English, but you can choose to view our content in other languages on the top header menu!
Unfortunately, working on board isn’t for everyone. Before you start applying, check if you have what it takes in our page about the Basic Requirements.
Over the years we received lots and lots of messages via email, WhatsApp and on our Facebook/Instagram pages as well. We compiled all common questions into a single FAQ page where you will be able to solve probably any question you might have. Even if your question isn’t there, just fill the form on the bottom of the page and we will get in touch with you. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions page.
Yes, you can and we also recommend to apply straight with the companies, but most crew members in the world got hired after applying via a recruiting agency. Check out our page with all the agencies in the world, separated by country by clicking here: Recruitment Agencies.
We’re building a complete list with all the departments and professions on board. You will be able to choose the one that you identify with the most, learn the routine, experience needed, certifications required and of course, how much your salary will be! Check out our Professions page.
Do you know the difference between a Curriculum Vitae and a Resume? Well, we will explain it to you and much more! Learn how small details make your resume shine out from the rest and even download free templates made by us! Check out on How to Build your Resume.
On this page you will find all the previous mentioned topics and much more. Follow our step-by-step guide, study and learn everything you need to know about living and working on board cruises and yachts. After you read through the entire guide, you will be ready to explore other sections of our website. But first, check out how the Selection Process works.
Many of us choose this lifestyle for the financial benefits. However, there are also additional perks, such as not paying rent, saving money on bills, enjoying an unlimited supply of food, water, and juices, the opportunity to explore the world (especially its popular destinations), the chance to learn or enhance a foreign language, and, of course, the ability to develop skills or acquire a new profession on board. This is why we use the hashtag #SHIPLIFE to share our shared lifestyle!
We work together, live together, eat together, stress together and drink together (most of the nights), just to highlight a few of the things crew members experience beyond work. This website was created to assist you, your family, and friends in better understanding the process and expectations of employment. The content presented here is free and will always remain so.
We are dedicated to offering free and accurate information about companies, ships, and the recruitment process. Whether you’re a new candidate or a seasoned veteran, we provide exclusive content that is easily accessible, guiding you on how to send money home, save for the future, or even transition to a new career.
Every year, we estimate that cruise companies collectively conduct over 150,000 interviews with new candidates, in an industry that continues to expand and seek better and more qualified candidates. Most cruise lines hire throughout the year, so there’s no need to wait for a specific time to begin your applications. Utilize this website to your advantage, absorb all the valuable content it offers, and we wish you the best of luck on your journey.
Nevertheless, we would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude. Thank you for the new and corrected content you send to us daily, enabling us to provide our visitors with updated and accurate information. We truly value all the feedback, critiques, and suggestions, as they drive us to work harder to maintain this website online and accessible to everyone, free of charge.